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Step Ot of the Boat

Step Ot of the Boat

Thursday, May 03, 2007

How Times Have Changed!

Can you believe this is the Weaver family? How many years ago do you think this was taken?
The sunset was at our condo in Melbourne Beach in 2003. Isn't it just beautiful!! Our God is such an artist and what landscapes He has created in His divine love for us. Can you imagine what heaven must be like! I can only imagine that it is un-imaginable! When I see the beauty of His creation on earth and in the skies and seas...I long for heaven more than words can ever tell.
I just finished reading the book "90 Minutes in Heaven". It was a truly wonderful book that made me cry like a baby most of the time. How much suffering the author, Don, must have gone through, and such after experiencing heaven for 90 minutes! It reminded me of Paul, and Jesus telling him "what things he must suffer for my name's sake", and also of Paul telling of the man he knew who had been to heaven (whether in the body or out of the body, he did not know), and how he saw things un-speakable and was given the thorn in his side to keep him humble after being so honored as to get a glimpse of heaven.
As I read the book, I wondered (yet I think I know the answer!!), would Don trade the experience in heaven, to come back to earth and life here, pain free? I think he would choose to keep the heavenly experience!!! I am certain that God allowed him this experience for a purpose far greater than we can imagine. His witness will be far-reaching into the future. I have no doubts what-so-ever of the authenticity of his literally being in heaven for that 90 minutes, then returning to this life on earth....after all he was prayed through by a Southern Baptist!(God had spoken to him through his heart to pray for the man in the accident). I have heard of many miracles since going into the mission field, I firmly believe in them, because I have it on good authority that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that HE can do anything. That He is sovereign. That He is omniscient. That He is omnipresent. That He is omnipotent. He is Lord. He is the creator. He is coming back someday to take us to that place of indescribable beauty, where eye hath not seen, nor entered into the heart of man the place God has prepared for us....and we shall worship The King of Kings and sing praises to Him forever. What hope we have IN Him! Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly!
In His Love for His Glory!
The Fishermens Line
Is. 30:21, Eph. 4:30
Pray for us as we continue to prepare to leave in October. Pray for our children and grandchildren...for peace, for the time we will be together again, and for God's perfect will in all of our lives, to seek Him in all of our decisions, and to please Him in all that we do, to glorify Him by the life we live for Him. Pray for the house to sell as quickly as it is finished (and pray for it to get finished soon!). Pray for Michael as he prepares to leave in October, also.
Pray for wisdom, discernment, and a faith that will never fail when tested. Pray for souls for His Kingdom!