"Rhoda's Lost Journal" still on sale at Amazon/Kindle! Get your copy while prices are down from the normally LOW price to an even lower price....E-Books make a WONDERFUL Christmas gift for those avid readers!!
After you have read the book-I encourage you to do an Amazon review...and I thank you in advance! To GOD be the glory!

"Rhoda's Lost Journal" NOW on sale at Amazon! The sale is a countdown and then the price will return to the former low price! Book Description Publication Date: October 20, 2013 Sara Holt dreamed of walking through the ancient ruins of Rome. As she made plans to visit each site on her long itinerary with a tour group, she becomes enchanted by Ari Hershey, a business man from Jerusalem, who invites himself along. During one of her site tours, Sara stumbles upon an ancient leather bound journal. Tucking the book quickly into her bag, thinking only to look at it and return it to the authorities later, she has no idea she’s being watched. Later that evening she receives a strange phone call from her stalker. He knows who she is, where she is and what she has done. Sara has no choice but to trust Ari with this threatening call. Could he have been the caller? If not Ari, then who could it be? She knew no one in Rome. Ari rushed to Sara’s room and she told him all about the journal. Ari is able to begin the translation of the book. He and Sara become engrossed in the compelling drama of Rhoda, the servant girl from the Book of The Acts of the Apostles, during the time of Peter and Paul.