Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Prayer for Israel to Know Jeshua As the Messiah!
Greetings from Poland!
Allan and I just returned from the Jewish Conference in Poznan, Poland. God richly blessed us through the conference and through his many gracious children there!
If you are receiving this letter, it is because I consider that you are faithful in praying for the needs of the children of God!
I will post a bit of information on my blog: www.fishermensline.blogspot.com within the next couple of days. I wanted to write to you immediately, however, about an urgent prayer request that I encourage you to get everyone involved in that you possibly can!
In May of this year Jews for Jesus will hold a campaign in six cities in Israel. The campaigns have been held throughout many countries in the past, yet this is the very first time it is planned for Israel! The campaign is called "Behold Your God!" The teams will be in constant jeopardy during this time, Please pray for the safety of these Jewish Christians. Nothing like this has been done since Paul the Apostle, and we all know what Paul suffered for the sake of HIS name, Jeshua, the Messiah.
Please also pray for the Jewish people to know WHO the God of their Father's really is! Pray that they will come to know Peace through the Prince of Peace! There is no world peace and there will be no world peace, until the world knows The Prince of Peace!
Jesus told the Jewish people during His time here with us on earth, "you will NOT see Me again, until you say, 'blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" Pray that the world will cry out, "blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!!!"
The Jewish people still have a broken covenant,( broken by them, NOT by God, Who is faithful, even in our unfaithfulness) to honor and keep with God. Until we all pray for the Salvation of the Jews through their (and our) Messiah, the Prince of Peace, that covenant will remain broken. We MUST pray for the salvation of the Jews. They are NOT automatically saved, salvation is through CHRIST ALONE, and we can not allow our concentration on the world being evangelized, to the exclusion of the Jews! To exclude the Jews would be to permit Satan to deceive us once again through anti-Semitism!
We need to pray for this mission of Jews for Jesus! We need to support their desire and commitment to make the Messiah-ship of Jesus known to their people.
Their covenant with God was to be a witness to the nations through their obedience to His statutes and commands, when this was broken by His chosen people, they became not a light, but a 'by-word' and a nation living in darkness and exile and persecution, according to the warnings they had been given through the prophets found in God's written, inspired Word.
Avi, from Jews for Jesus (European Director), preached messages regarding this. We all were asked to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Praying for political peace, etc. is good, but they need the Prince of Peace before any true peace will ever be found.
Please join me, and please ask the congregations to join in fervent, continual, prayer for this campaign in May, 2008! God is working in so many hearts and lives. This is my desire, that we pray as Christ wants us to pray for our Jewish family who are not yet IN the family of God in the way of salvation through Jesus the Messiah.
They have suffered much persecution. It is because of God's love for us that the Jewish nation was chosen. Just think...it could have been any other nation who had undergone such persecution, such dislike and disrespect if they had been the chosen people! We should be forever THANKFUL to the Jewish nation that they went through this for us! They were God's instrument for the written word and the Living Word which we have today!
Thank you so much for your fervent prayers for this undertaking. The Jews for Jesus are willing and aware that they may be in such danger for their lives! Please Pray!
Also, I truly desire that any support we can give as believers in Jesus would be most appreciated. You know, I have not been asked to say this, and I doubt in this world of 'political correctness' that this is even appropriate, and I know we have so many times given above and beyond, financially, but I believe with all my heart, that this campaign is so important to the entire world, that I am stepping outside of the boundaries of political correctness, doctrines, etc. to say that if anyone wishes and feels led to support this endeavor, you can go to the Jews for Jesus website; www.jewsforjesus.org to give to their organization. I also for the sake of political correctness add that any giving to anyone must be above and beyond your tithes to your local church, Lottie moon, etc. I read their newsletter and the work they are doing is truly God inspired!(and risky). When we find people who risk their lives, friends, and families, we need to support in any way we can and feel led.
Please write with any comments or questions!
In Christ Alone, Our Hope is Found!
Allan and I just returned from the Jewish Conference in Poznan, Poland. God richly blessed us through the conference and through his many gracious children there!
If you are receiving this letter, it is because I consider that you are faithful in praying for the needs of the children of God!
I will post a bit of information on my blog: www.fishermensline.blogspot.com within the next couple of days. I wanted to write to you immediately, however, about an urgent prayer request that I encourage you to get everyone involved in that you possibly can!
In May of this year Jews for Jesus will hold a campaign in six cities in Israel. The campaigns have been held throughout many countries in the past, yet this is the very first time it is planned for Israel! The campaign is called "Behold Your God!" The teams will be in constant jeopardy during this time, Please pray for the safety of these Jewish Christians. Nothing like this has been done since Paul the Apostle, and we all know what Paul suffered for the sake of HIS name, Jeshua, the Messiah.
Please also pray for the Jewish people to know WHO the God of their Father's really is! Pray that they will come to know Peace through the Prince of Peace! There is no world peace and there will be no world peace, until the world knows The Prince of Peace!
Jesus told the Jewish people during His time here with us on earth, "you will NOT see Me again, until you say, 'blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" Pray that the world will cry out, "blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!!!"
The Jewish people still have a broken covenant,( broken by them, NOT by God, Who is faithful, even in our unfaithfulness) to honor and keep with God. Until we all pray for the Salvation of the Jews through their (and our) Messiah, the Prince of Peace, that covenant will remain broken. We MUST pray for the salvation of the Jews. They are NOT automatically saved, salvation is through CHRIST ALONE, and we can not allow our concentration on the world being evangelized, to the exclusion of the Jews! To exclude the Jews would be to permit Satan to deceive us once again through anti-Semitism!
We need to pray for this mission of Jews for Jesus! We need to support their desire and commitment to make the Messiah-ship of Jesus known to their people.
Their covenant with God was to be a witness to the nations through their obedience to His statutes and commands, when this was broken by His chosen people, they became not a light, but a 'by-word' and a nation living in darkness and exile and persecution, according to the warnings they had been given through the prophets found in God's written, inspired Word.
Avi, from Jews for Jesus (European Director), preached messages regarding this. We all were asked to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Praying for political peace, etc. is good, but they need the Prince of Peace before any true peace will ever be found.
Please join me, and please ask the congregations to join in fervent, continual, prayer for this campaign in May, 2008! God is working in so many hearts and lives. This is my desire, that we pray as Christ wants us to pray for our Jewish family who are not yet IN the family of God in the way of salvation through Jesus the Messiah.
They have suffered much persecution. It is because of God's love for us that the Jewish nation was chosen. Just think...it could have been any other nation who had undergone such persecution, such dislike and disrespect if they had been the chosen people! We should be forever THANKFUL to the Jewish nation that they went through this for us! They were God's instrument for the written word and the Living Word which we have today!
Thank you so much for your fervent prayers for this undertaking. The Jews for Jesus are willing and aware that they may be in such danger for their lives! Please Pray!
Also, I truly desire that any support we can give as believers in Jesus would be most appreciated. You know, I have not been asked to say this, and I doubt in this world of 'political correctness' that this is even appropriate, and I know we have so many times given above and beyond, financially, but I believe with all my heart, that this campaign is so important to the entire world, that I am stepping outside of the boundaries of political correctness, doctrines, etc. to say that if anyone wishes and feels led to support this endeavor, you can go to the Jews for Jesus website; www.jewsforjesus.org to give to their organization. I also for the sake of political correctness add that any giving to anyone must be above and beyond your tithes to your local church, Lottie moon, etc. I read their newsletter and the work they are doing is truly God inspired!(and risky). When we find people who risk their lives, friends, and families, we need to support in any way we can and feel led.
Please write with any comments or questions!
In Christ Alone, Our Hope is Found!
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