MK: Team Member!
Philip....How adorable!!
Another View of Prague's Jewish Synagogue-October,2008
Allan at an AMERICAN-Style Restaurant: Buffalo Bill's! Prague Conference Oct. 2008
Allan taping video during Prayer-Walk around the Berkinau Concentration Camp. October, 2008
Sue and Karen Prayer-Walking at Berkinau: We walked around the entire complex on Saturday
Miss Clare on the train to Prague! Isn't she a cutie!! She's one of our MK teammates!
Hotel in Prague. One of the thousands of beautiful buildings. Oct. 2008
One of my MANY blessings!

The Fishermensline written from Krakow, Poland
Out Reach:
Sue on the bridge near the castle. October, 2008
The Fishermensline written from Krakow, Poland
October, 2008
Greetings from Krakow!
My dearest brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ,
I must apologize once again for my delay in updating the events that have taken place here in Poland (and elsewhere!).
After we returned from our medical trip to Budapest, we were back for one week and headed to Prague for about four days of conference (Ebenezer).
We had a wonderful time of fellowship, worship, and sharing what has happened and how we have been feeling about our time thus far, in our fields...for some were from Krakow, and many others from different parts of Central and Eastern Europe. We were able to make new friends and meet with old friends.
We were blessed with one day of sightseeing. After our arrival in Prague, Mark Edworthy took us on a 'whirlwind tour' so that we would know what to look for when we had time to explore a bit on our own.
One of my blessings while there, was hearing Karen Pearce speak. She also gave us a copy of the book she has written called "Being An Aroma of Christ". It is an excellent and encouraging book. If interested you may find it at your local Christian book store...I think you'd find it enlightening, regarding Harvest field- life and expectations! It's so true to how we have felt so many times.....I feel as if she's been 'inside my head!'
God bless you Karen and Preston! Now you have another prayer warrior in your court of PRAY-ers!
Well, I suppose one of the things on my mind is the recent Presidential election. Therefore, my title from Jeremiah 33:3. This is one of my favorite verses, because I have found His Word to be so absolutely true...God IS faithful! I am well aware of the millions of people who have prayed for this election in the hopes that the 'one who seems so against what God has taught us in His Word to do and not do' would not be elected. However, in His infinite wisdom and according to His perfect plan; God has chosen (through His Sovereignty), to allow the events that took place to be so. Nothing is a surprise to Him!
We know that God is sovereign! He builds up nations and kingdoms and He tears down nations and kingdoms. What we need to consider now, is to be in equally fervent prayer that our new president-elect will have his eyes opened to the truth of Gods sovereignty, and that he will change his mind about many of the plans he has for this country. It is my prayer that he will come to know that he got this position because of the Most High God of the universe, the creator, because of the plan God has for us, as a nation.
We all should be in prayer, continuously, about what we, the people need to do as well. Nothing is too big for our God! We still have the strongest voice on earth...the voices who call on our God to intervene on behalf of the nations. Our nation is in a terrible state of sin, abominable sin, and very grievous to God, our Father. Our country needs to see this truth and repent of the rampant sin in America. My prayer is that we will do so, and very soon!
Out Reach:
Allan and I are trying to venture out of the city more to do EV in some of the nearby towns and villages. We found that there are Roma in some of them, but have not been able to contact them yet. Please pray that we will be able to do so and that their hearts will be prepared to receive Gods Word!We visited a city near the Czech border a couple week-ends ago. There are Roma there. We had gone to attend a Jewish festival/Conference. Through a friend, we met a couple of British Christians, who showed us around the city and told us about Roma there. He didn't know exactly where, but he had seen them around town.
We've also been prayer-walking in Oswiecim (near Auschwitz and Berkinau) several times. We have added that city to the three regions we already have. It's less time that we can go to our regular areas, but this little town needs a lot of prayer. This is where people all over the world come to visit, dine,go sightseeing, hold conferences on the Holocaust, etc. There's a lot of dispute in the village right now, concerning the future of the area in connection to Auschwitz/Berkinau. It seems many people are attempting to make them more of a "Theme Park" style of museum! That, of course, will make it 'appear' less real and lessen the shock of the entire Holocaust! The shock of the TRUTH is what people need -always to remember, lest it happen again.
Today there is a funeral for the little baby I mentioned to you in previous letters. His name is Zacharias. He is the third baby this couple has lost to a respiratory disease. He has struggled to breathe the entire year that we have been here, and in fact, his entire little life. His mother and daddy have suctioned him since he was born. My heart goes out to this sweet Roma couple. Jerry said there will be three days of mourning together with friends and family. The day today will be long and sad, but one consolation is that they are believers. They have the certainty that they will see their children in heaven someday.
Michael seems to be doing fine. He's in language study and is very busy. We haven't talked on Skype for quite awhile and we aren't sure why. We have had several letters (e-mail) from him, though....Thank God for that! Please continue to pray for him as he does the work he loves so much! Oh, yes, we also met more of Michaels (From Va.) associates in Prague, and that was very nice!! They are all such a precious group.
Lora, Jim, Ryan, Ian, and Zane are well. The boys are in public school for the first time since maybe kindergarten/first grade. They all three enjoy it. Lora is doing things she hasn't been able to do for a long more errands (Ha-Ha!). I don't think for a wife and mother, you can ever have really 'free' time! At least I never could (but then I was an obsessive-compulsive worker). Ryan wants to try out for basketball (of course we all think swimming would be best since he has an injured knee from football, and has always been an excellent swimmer!!) Pray for him that he will choose wisely!! Ian ran for student council and lost by only one vote! (and this is his first year in public school-I think that in itself is a great feat!) Zane is in Top Dog and he'senjoying school much more than when he was first "drafted by Mom!" Jim is very busy with family, job, and week-end GI Joe 'fun'!
He is still planning on leaving next summer. Please pray for all of my family as all these changes come about. Pray for strength, for wisdom, leaning on He Who is able to do all things! We need a lot of prayer about this, too. Knowing that Lora will be alone and have the boys to try to raise, once again, on her own. We think of the many needs of a young mom with three little (well, to me 12 and 14 are little!) boys, the long and hard Michigan winters, trouble with power outages, cars that won't start......well, you know as their mom and grandma (and dad/grandpa), that we'll have many concerns for them!!!
Changes in The Wind!
There are many changes coming within the "Company" this summer, also. The way people groups are divided is changing, new leaderships, moving to new locations, schools, and making new friends, contacts, etc. are some of the coming changes. Please pray for the leadership, other staff, and for all the "Laborers" everywhere. We are not sure how this will all work, as any change is usually challenging and a learning process for everyone. Pray for patience as the process unfolds.
I'm not sure how Poland and Krakow will be affected, but will try to keep you posted as we learn new information. Just know that your "LOTTIE " donations continue to be hard at work to best reach the UPG's of the nations! Pray for those who make decisions on behalf of the "Company Laborers" The ultimate goal is to "Know Jesus and make Him known!"
We are so thankful for all of you who faithfully pray for us.
We are thankful for LOTTIE!
We are thankful for your sacrificial giving!
We are thankful for Pumpkin Pie!
We are Thankful for:
Lora, Jim, Michael, Ryan, Ian, and Zane!
I am Thankful for my precious, and most patient husband, Allan!
We are Thankful for God (through Dagmara) sending a translator for the Wednesday night Bible study! He is excellent, and his name is Tomasz. Pray for him, as he is also seeking the truth! This study will be helpful all around!!! God Knows what He is doing in all events, no matter how small they may seem to us!!! (nothing too great or too small for HIM)
We're Thankful for Gods Mercy, Love, Grace, Forgiveness, Longsuffering,
Wisdom, which He gives freely when we ask, for His Holy Spirit, for salvation through Christ Jesus, for all things that are from Him, for His gifts are good and from above. We Thank Him for WHO HE is, and that He loves us, unconditionally; even while we were yet sinners! We thank Him for allowing us to be His instruments of His Word-please pray that we do this faithfully, out of a loving and obedient heart! Pray that we will walk worthy of Him because HE DIED for us! We are Thankful for THAT!
Well, I'll close for today. As Thanksgiving nears, I have so many things for which be thankful! I thank my God at every remembrance of YOU!
Please write to us and let us know HOW we can best pray for you!
We love each one of you! '" and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" (Ph.4:7)
I Th. 5:16-17
Eph. 4:30
The Fishermensline
Ul. Modrzewskiego 8/5
Krakow, Poland
Video Clip: Berkinau, near Auschwitz
Allan taping video during Prayer-Walk around the Berkinau Concentration Camp. October, 2008