Sunday, December 14, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Call Unto Me!
The Fishermensline written from Krakow, Poland
Out Reach:
Allan taping video during Prayer-Walk around the Berkinau Concentration Camp. October, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Trip to Budapest!
Sept. 2008
Modern Building Downtown
The "Walking Street"
Very European!
See the difference where renovation is being done!
This along a side matter where you go in Budapest, you'll find this wonderful archtecture!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Rest and Renewal in the Polish Countryside
I'm sure I quote this quite often, but it's because I find such power in His truths! The verse above (paraphrased) says to trust in the LORD and do good, and you will feed (be fed by) HIS faithfulness! Psalm 37:3-5.
Father, I thank YOU for Your Faithfulness, for Your rest, for all that you do, and for WHO YOU ARE! I thank You, that You fill my heart with desires to serve, wait, and please You, as one who loves You with an overwhelming love. I thank You for giving such good gifts, as only You know how, when, and what to give according to what is best. I trust in You and Your Omniscience! I thank You for salvation in Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, The Savior of the world (John 14:6)
Below are pictures taken on my two day trip to have some badly needed rest. Dagmara invited me to visit, and it was such a blessing to be able to go there for a brief time. The air was pure and the weather perfect. As I looked out over the hills and valley's, I felt so rested and so close to God, I could almost see Him, painting the sky, setting the sun for the evening, and sprinkling the stars across a vast, beautiful night. I could almost feel His arms reaching toward me, and pulling me close to Himself. I could almost hear Him saying, "I Love You!" LISTEN, Can You Hear HIM? (Psalm 46:10
"be still, and know that I AM GOD.")
Dagny and Julia:
A Wonderful day for a walk into the nearby village!
Dagny, taken at the restaurant where the "best pierogi in all of Poland", is served, with a warm smile. Taken August, 2008
Beautiful Old Church Near Dagny's Country Home.
A View from The Hillside, Looking Toward The Village. This was the most peaceful time, and the most beautiful country that I've seen, since arriving in Poland! Isn't God Truly The Master of Landscapes?
One of the Oldest and Best Preserved Gothic Style Churches in all of Poland! The First Church was constructed in 1141, in the same location where a Slavonic Pagan Temple once stood. The inside walls are elegantly and artistically, painted with scenes of the Stations of The Cross and various other angelic and saintly scenes. It's quite beautiful and serene.
One ancient 'pole' from the pagan temple has been preserved unto this time, and the building is now part of UNESCO'S World Heritage List of The World's Most Precious Historic Sights. Certainly worth seeing, when you come to Krakow!
Singing In The Rain by Julia and Dagmara. Filmed on location at Dagmara's Country Home. August, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Pictures From The Fishermensline in Krakow, Poland
Anna and I at Dagny's Country Home.
A Beautiful Castle near Dagny's Country Home, about one and half hour from Krakow, Poland
Some of the team from IWC, working in Nowa Huta in Krakow, Poland.
Joe and Elizabeth. Joe is with IWC and works with Life Way. Elizabeth is a team member, who came here with IWC for Ministry in the Park at Nowa Huta, in Krakow. July, 2008
The Jewish Synagogue in Krakow: One of Many, but the Only One Still In Operation! Notice The Ten Commandments at the Top Center of the Building!! It is so Beautiful Inside and Out.
Allan at the local Thai/VietNamese/Chinese Restaurant in our neighborhood. Taken the Day Avi left for Germany. The Great Hail Storm Day!!
Avi Snyder at the Same Restaurant. We had a nice, but short dinner, before Avi had to catch his flight back to his home, in Germany.....after The Great Hail Storm!
Dagmara's Mother at Dagny's Country Home. It was a beautiful day and a great place away from the city heat and pollution. Dagny's home has dozens of beautiful fruit and nut trees, berries and beautiful roses, trees, and is quite a lovely retreat!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Rejoice Evermore!
Greetings From Krakow, Poland!
This evening, as I sit here in the apartment, trying to recall the many wonderful events of the past several weeks, I am overwhelmed with memories of so many faces, so many smiles, hugs, prayers, and of course, good-byes!
As I mentioned in the last blog, we had a wonderful time with the team from Hilton Head, S.C. We had camps, prayer-walking time, and of course, the wonderful music filling the air at the Compass Coffee House.
We had just had the pleasure of hosting a team from Clear Vision Drama. The team did the Resurrection Drama, and as many of you may recall, this was the drama we did in 2003 in Ecuador with IWC. Of course this particular drama brings back many memories of FBI church and my awesome mission trip. Many memories of this trip involve Michael, my son, who is far apart from us now, physically (as are all of our precious children), yet we are all together as one in spirit!
The Clear Vision team did several different skits while they were here, and we, along with many nationals, were so blessed to have them, as they witnessed and gave glory to God, through their talent.
Shortly after the Clear Vision Team left, International World Changers arrived! The week was an awesome display of how God can work through us all, as we ministered to the neighborhood children! (II Timothy 3:15 and that from a child, thou hast known the Holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through Faith, which is IN Christ Jesus). We shared His love and His word with so many children, their parents, grandparents, and friends, that we could not number them. Yet we know that God knows each one of them! We were able to share the gospel with a young couple, many young adults, both men and women, and at least some grandparents! Please pray for these, whom God has placed within the sound of His Word. His Word will not return void, but will accomplish that for which it was sent and it will prosper. (Is. 55:11) paraphrased by me...Sue
IWC teams played basketball, soccer, frisbee, we did rope jumping, face painting, story telling, hop-scotch, ping pong, sang songs, and played games.
The big surprise came on the team's last day at the park, soft gentle rain, then down pouring, then soft again, gave us the desire to brave what ever came, go back to the park with umbrellas in hand, and say good-byes once again to the children, or whoever would brave the rain as well. As we arrived near the fence surrounding the park, we saw balloons! They were painted with cute little smiles and said "bye" in English. As we gathered around a little table, where we had been directed by the children (nationals), we were overjoyed to see the little party (in the rain), that they had worked to prepare for our last day! They served US this time; cookies and juice, hugs and smiles, tears, and last minute prayers for them to know Jesus more and more. We all sang Jesus Loves Me and held hands, and hesitated to leave the park.
We met many new family members once again, God has "enlarged our territories" Thank You, LORD! Your Love endures forever and You give good gifts to Your children!
The same day IWC left, we had a new team arrive! This team is from Tennessee (Hixon Baptist Church) and are here helping out to support us as well as a family here from their church (our team members Shea and Rachel) It's so good to see our local churches in America, sharing their heart for God with the people of Poland. This team is amazing! Lisa is a very energetic, kid-oriented, talented, and 'not too shy' young lady, who has worked along with all of her team to bring a fun and exciting time to the Roma children in Day Camp last week. The children (and all the adults!) love her wonderful antics, and her way of sharing Jesus through her ship the 'S.S. Krakow', the many songs she taught them and her desire to know their songs of Jesus' love, also. They all have a true heart for serving God through their children's ministry, and we all appreciate them! By the way; this was a very rainy week also! PTL!! the earth needed a good bath, we suppose!
This week, the Hixon team are busy once again, sharing here in the city of Krakow, right here in our neighborhood park. Yesterday, it seems that most of the neighborhood was there having fun, singing, making stencil pictures and doing the hokey pokey, singing songs, and just having fun.
My friend, Dagmara, had an opportunity to share with many of the neighborhood ladies, in their own language! She was thrilled to be able to do this for HIM! She's a university teacher, so teaching is her thing, and when she does it for the glory of God, she is thrilled. You can just see the love of Christ in her face and shining in her eyes.
Allan is at a Bible study at this time. He really enjoys this time, every week. The Roma children are at another camp with the local Baptist Church. They are in the mountains nearby, well, about an hour from the city. They were so excited to go, jumping up and down and carrying their little backpacks...they all jumped into the cars and van as soon as they could to make sure they got a seat! We didn't even leave for about an hour, but they wanted those seats!
Please pray for the teams as they minister in the many ways God has led them, and gifted them to do. Pray for us, as we host the many teams, that we will all be a strong witness and light, and that God will be glorified in all that we do!
Kate, one of our summer team members, just left this morning; bright and early! Stacy, our other summer team member, will leave us this Friday. We are all so sorry to see them go, yet we understand their family misses them terribly and are anxious for them to come back home!
We had a surprise going away party for them on Sunday after church. They were here for the entire summer, so we all got to love and appreciate them so much! We will truly miss them!!
Ryan is presently on his mission trip to New York, so please be praying this week for him! Pray for safety, fun, sharing Jesus with as many as God calls to them, and for God to use him, and for God's will in his life, always!
Lora, Ian, and Zane, are enjoying some time together this week (missing Ryan and Jim-since Jim is in Boston this week), but I'm sure they are having a good time being 'just the three' together.
I want to personally thank everyone who helped Ryan with his funding for the trip! Thank you so much, and may God bless you, and continue to bless you, SO THAT you may bless others, so that HIS name will be glorified!
Allan and I will be going to Budapest for physicals, the end of August.We will also have another Roma camp the week prior to that.
One very important thing; please pray for a lady named Sally, who will be coming to Krakow in August. She does an evangelical outreach through concerts. Pray for many to attend so that she can reach all that God is calling. The really wonderful thing about this is that Avi Snyder, whom you've heard us mention in many letters/blogs, has been putting this together. Avi is the European Director for Jews for Jesus. He and his wife, Ruth, live in Germany. Sally will be doing a concert in Germany, after leaving Krakow and Warsaw. Please ask God to help us with helping Sally with all the logistics, flyers, promotion, coffee house concert, or wherever God leads us to have the concert. We are very excited about this and want to make her visit here just as exciting for her as it is for us!! Most importantly we want God to be glorified and to see lost souls come to know Him!
Thank you so much for your prayers. Thank you for your faithfulness! Please let us know how we may pray for you! We love each one of you and thank our God for you!
I simply must add that may the Lord Jesus Christ be with the churches at Portland, Michigan, the First Baptist Church of Indialantic, Florida, and The RiverTown Community Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I also pray the Lord be with all of those who are praying for us in the many other churches throughout America and the many across the globe who are faithfully seeking His will for all Fishers of Men, for the Kingdom!
May the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all and may you walk by Faith and not by sight!
I Thessalonians 5:16-17 Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.
Matthew 4:19 Jesus said, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men!"
The Fishermens Line
Krakow, Poland
Allan and Sue Weaver
Ul. Modrzewskiego 8/5
Krakow, Poland
Monday, July 07, 2008
How Long Has It Been?
Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus!
Why have I titled this "How Long Has It Been"? (tell you later!!)
We just returned from our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Finland. This was an awesome time of fellowship, worship, and relaxation.
We had all been looking forward to this time of rest and renewal, and a time of learning from our fellow laborers in Christ.
We met new friends and talked with ones we had met shortly after our arrival in Poland. There have been many changes, developments, and plans for the coming months. Some have gone back to the states and some will be going shortly for trips stateside for short assignments there.
The location where AGM was held, was about three plus hours north of Helsinki (reindeer land!). The land of the "Midnight Sun" was very beautiful, to be sure! However, for those of us used to sleeping when it gets dark, it seemed 'bedtime' never arrived the entire week we were there!
Going to bed with full light was very difficult! Many times I awakened through the night and wondered, "is it morning yet?" Thankfully, we had Allan's cell phone for our alarm clock. We actually forgot our 'world traveler clock' I felt so lost without it..that darling little clock has been all over the world with us! I almost wanted to turn around and go back for it. (I doubt that the bus driver and the sixty-some others would have allowed that)
God blessed us during the trip, as usual. He is so amazing, and I fall more and more in love with Him every day. I delight to do Thy will, oh, Lord!
Arriving back in Krakow (about 3 a.m.) we were all so exhausted, we said our sleepy good byes and headed to our apartments, to fall into bed, hopefully to get some rest and prepare for the upcoming days with the new team in Krakow, that had arrived during our absence.
To me, just thinking about having enough energy to do anything made me tired! When I met them the next morning for a Prayer Walking tour, God blessed us all over again! These folks from Hilton Head, South Carolina, are nothing short of fabulous! As we walked, talked, and prayed, it seems once again, that God had enlarged our 'territories...our family'!!
I thought of the book, The Prayer of Jabez! "Oh, that You would bless me, and enlarge my territory, and that Your Hand will be with me..."
I read that little book a few years ago, and just happened to pick it up again in Finland, and it dawned on me during my Prayer Walk that God was forever 'enlarging our territory'!! Think about it! Since 2003, God has taken us to:
Ecuador, Taiwan, East Asia !!!, Thailand, East Asia!!! (again), Hong Kong, America, (Michigan, Florida, and all the states in between, Virginia (several times), Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Finland, and back to Poland. In October, we will be going to the Czech Republic and to Budapest, Hungary for a good physical, etc. Along the way, God has blessed us with many opportunities to meet some of the most wonderful family of HIS church, family members yet to be!, and many opportunities to share His love and His plan of salvation!
We both pray for more boldness! God has given us both the very strong desire to sow broadly. We hope to get a stamp made with the local church addresses, coffee house, International Fellowship address, etc., so that we can broadly sow seeds for His Kingdom!
Pray for us in this matter, because honestly, I believe God has called us to do this along with the Prayer Walking ministry, and He will see it through! We still have the Roma ministry, and I am still working to develop a Jewish ministry...speaking of which, Avi Snyder (Jews for Jesus, European Director) came to visit here in Krakow. It was wonderful visiting with him, as he shared his testimony with the International Fellowship, and attended meetings to begin preparing for an outreach here for next summer!!! Please be praying for this campaign (Behold Your God!), to reach Jews, FOR Jesus!!! This will be held during the Jewish Festival, so if any of you want to help in passing out tracts, flyers, prayer walk, etc., PLEASE join us!
My dear friend, Dagmara, has invited me to visit at her summer country home. I have seen this little village and it's devastatingly beautiful! There is a beautiful old castle nearby. Her land has all my favorite things in nature, such as; plum trees, apples, cherries, grapes, roses, lilacs, raspberries, and walnuts! She has an incredible view...and as you all know I NEED this fresh country air for at least a week-end! With the pollution and smog in Krakow, and having had laryngitis four times since our arrival in October, I believe this visit would be in order! I shall accept (I have, actually!).
Michael is on his vacation, and though I may not be able to talk about the location for reasons you may know, Please pray for him and for the two co-laborers who have gone along on a surfing vacation. Pray that they will have a relaxed time, enjoy the trip and be safe and that God will surround them with His protection. It's very difficult for us, not being able to even e-mail or Skype for over two weeks (and he's only been gone for two days!!)
These guys work very hard and long hours, and as you know, you are 'on mission' 24/7/365! You are always in the sharing HIM as you walk and talk along the way. If someone wants to meet with you at midnight, and this is the only chance you may have, you must be ready to share and give account for the hope that is in you!
Lora, Jim, Ryan, Ian, and Zane, are in transit right now, from a trip to Alabama. They left on Friday to visit Jim's mom and dad and some of his family who gathered in Huntsville. I'm sure they enjoyed the chance to see many of Jim's family, and for my grandsons to see their Alabama grandparents (Jim and Karen). They are all a great family, and I think we've had the pleasure of meeting most of them. I'm sure they got just a bit more spoiled by grandma Brannon. Please pray for all of them ,the older and the younger Brannons, and all those who will see their son, daddy, brother, and uncle go off to Iraq (we are still praying Kuwait!). We know that God is in control and HE has it all in His Hands!
The team from Hilton Head...well, one reason they are so amazing is that they sing Southern Gospel!! Growing up in Kentucky and Ohio (well Ohio isn't southern, but we had so many 'hillbillies' there that you would think you were in Kentucky!), anyway, growing up in both Ohio and Kentucky; that was my mother's music and so MY music! I grew up on Christian Southern Gospel and I love it! The team played at the coffee house on Friday night, and I was so tired (it starts at 8 p.m. until after 11 p.m.), but I am so glad we went to hear them...every song they sang took me back to the 1950-1980 (my mom died in 1980) era, and oh, what memories flooded my soul..."Precious memories, how they linger, how they ever flood my soul!" and the title of the blog..."How Long Has It Been since you talked with the Lord, and knew that He cares for you, How Long since you stayed, on your knees and prayed....."
They sang, "Put Your Hand In the Hand of the Man from Galilee" and many more wonderful songs. I am so thankful that I went there that evening. They also played for us at the International Fellowship on Sunday night, which again, I'm thankful, because Dagmara was able to hear them and she, too, loves Southern Gospel and 'everything southern!!'
Dagmara teaches at one of the large universities here in Krakow. She teaches English, American History, and Literature. She's a very special lady with a beautiful little girl, Julia. I met her mother, Anna, today, who is also quite good in her English and used to teach English as well (at the university).
Allan is busy with the Roma, and I've been helping him as I am able to go with him. I enjoy working with them, and especially working with Allan, of course! Jerry hopes to move more to the north (Krakow is located in southern Poland), so that he can find more Roma in other areas, while Allan and I will work here.
International World Changers has a team arriving here on Friday. We will do some work near here, in the Nova Huta area of town. Then toward the end of July, another church (from Tennessee) will come to do a Roma camp for the young children.
Well, I must end this blog for this time. Please let us know how we can pray for you! We truly will pray and we truly do want you to make your requests known to us so that we can take them before the Throne of God in Jesus Name.
Please let us know about the blog and what you think about it!
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing! I Th. 5:16-17
Jesus said, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men" Matt. 4:19
May the Creator of the universe, your God, and my God, Bless you and be with you! 'May He enlarge your territories!'
In Christ Alone!
Sue and Allan
Krakow, Poland
July 7, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Music to HIS Ears!
Some of the Krakow Team at the Krakow Compass International Fellowship. (left to right are: Shea, Susie, Mark, Jacqui and Kari.
Krakow, Poland
Pictures During Prayer-Walking. Praying for Poland!

Gee, I have not Prayer-walked here lately!!!
Allan is never without "witness" by the clothes he wears! He truly lives what he wears!
Inside the Temple Synagogue in Kazimierz. This is the Jewish section of Krakow. Not many Jewish people left here since WW II. Pray that they come to know the PRINCE of PEACE, Jeshua, the MESSIAH of the World!
Sue (me) in front of the Temple Synagogue. This is the only synagogue still in operation here in Krakow. There are several others being used as museums, book stores, etc., however.