I'm sure I quote this quite often, but it's because I find such power in His truths! The verse above (paraphrased) says to trust in the LORD and do good, and you will feed (be fed by) HIS faithfulness! Psalm 37:3-5.
Father, I thank YOU for Your Faithfulness, for Your rest, for all that you do, and for WHO YOU ARE! I thank You, that You fill my heart with desires to serve, wait, and please You, as one who loves You with an overwhelming love. I thank You for giving such good gifts, as only You know how, when, and what to give according to what is best. I trust in You and Your Omniscience! I thank You for salvation in Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, The Savior of the world (John 14:6)
Below are pictures taken on my two day trip to have some badly needed rest. Dagmara invited me to visit, and it was such a blessing to be able to go there for a brief time. The air was pure and the weather perfect. As I looked out over the hills and valley's, I felt so rested and so close to God, I could almost see Him, painting the sky, setting the sun for the evening, and sprinkling the stars across a vast, beautiful night. I could almost feel His arms reaching toward me, and pulling me close to Himself. I could almost hear Him saying, "I Love You!" LISTEN, Can You Hear HIM? (Psalm 46:10
"be still, and know that I AM GOD.")
Dagny and Julia:
A Wonderful day for a walk into the nearby village!
Dagny, taken at the restaurant where the "best pierogi in all of Poland", is served, with a warm smile. Taken August, 2008
Beautiful Old Church Near Dagny's Country Home.
A View from The Hillside, Looking Toward The Village. This was the most peaceful time, and the most beautiful country that I've seen, since arriving in Poland! Isn't God Truly The Master of Landscapes?
One of the Oldest and Best Preserved Gothic Style Churches in all of Poland! The First Church was constructed in 1141, in the same location where a Slavonic Pagan Temple once stood. The inside walls are elegantly and artistically, painted with scenes of the Stations of The Cross and various other angelic and saintly scenes. It's quite beautiful and serene.
One ancient 'pole' from the pagan temple has been preserved unto this time, and the building is now part of UNESCO'S World Heritage List of The World's Most Precious Historic Sights. Certainly worth seeing, when you come to Krakow!
Singing In The Rain by Julia and Dagmara. Filmed on location at Dagmara's Country Home. August, 2008
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