Allan In The Village of Chrzanow
Greetings In The Name of Jesus!
I hope this newsletter from Krakow finds you all well and prospering in the grace of our Lord.
As February nears its closing days, we are enjoying some sunny days, however the March winds are early and often cold and severe in intensity. Even so, we have had much warmer weather here in Krakow than in Michigan, where our beloved daughter, son in law, and grandsons are living.
Michael is enjoying the sixty –plus degree temperatures after more than a month of forties and below! I think he was not prepared for those forties and below, by the comment “I wish I had known, I’d have brought heavier sweatshirts!”
God has been working here through the new Krakow International Fellowship worship services! Not only are we blessed with worship in our own language, there have been some Poles come to faith in Christ, and I am praying for (and ask you to join me) a lady that I have become friends with. She is Polish and is Catholic. She is a wonderful, kind, and friendly lady. She and her daughter have been visiting almost since the new services began. She and her daughter both made a comment that they feel like crying during our services. Last Sunday, before the service, as we were talking, she said to me, “I am truly questioning my faith in the Catholic church, when I go there, I feel nothing, yet when I come here, I feel such joy and want to be so close to God!”
Please pray for her and for me, that God will help me to share the personal walk that Christ calls us to, and that no one comes to God, except through Him, and that there is no more sacrifice for sin; that He paid that price as the perfect and final sacrifice for the sin of the world and how He is the only mediator between man and God. I am here to share His love with any who will listen and with whom He is calling to a saving faith and walk with Him. Please pray for this lady and her family!
Allan has been very busy with Jerry and the Roma ministry. They are constantly having meetings, Bible studies, and outreach days, where they go to a new village and seek out the places where Roma live.
In the past couple of weeks, they have gone twice to a village where there are many Roma, and none of them know about Jesus. Please pray for this village of Charnov.
Allan wants me to go there with him on a day that we can just go prayer walking around the village. He talked (through a translator), with a man who had survived WWII and he told Allan and Jerry that the village used to be the home of over 15,000 Jews. This was half of the village population at that time, now there are none. How sad when entire villages are wiped out because Satan was given a foothold in people’s hearts and minds!!
The coffee house ministry is still making efforts to reach out to the young people of the city (young or not so young!!). There have been several who have come for the music and snacks, conversation and games, etc., but so far none seem to be very interested in the gospel, but thank God, He tells us His Word will not return void. Therefore, we have faith that the seeds planted will bring forth fruit in due season.
We must continue in the planting to have a harvest, so pray that we will faithfully continue to plant, even as it seems sometimes that it is not fruitful at the time, after all; how many of us can plant a seed and the same day see the fruit?
We are waiting on the Lord for many things. I, for one, must learn what I know to be true. Walk by faith and not by sight!
I am praying for so many people and so many things, and events, that I truly know the meaning of my signature verse; pray without ceasing! I Th. 5:17
Lora and Jim are in the midst of many concerns and changes in their life and the life of the children. As many of you may already know, Jim will be deployed this fall for, possibly Kuwait. Please pray for them as they make plans for this. The heartbreak of their dad leaving is one that I ask my Lord, daily, to help them through, as with Lora, seeing her husband leave again, and her left alone to care for the three boys. They are the age, where support and encouragement from their dad is crucial. Please pray for Jim, also, as he has to leave them all behind. Our God is able to do the most amazing things, and nothing is too big for Him to accomplish!!
Please also pray for Michael. He is seeking God’s will in finding someone to travel with him, someone who is a believer and who speaks both languages, and someone he can trust. I know that God will meet all his needs.
Pray for Allan as Jerry and his family go to the states for two months for a turn-around time. Pray for the Goss family as they go through the process of going state--side, physicals, travel, and all the many stresses that come with the paper work and plans to return to Krakow.
During the two months that Jerry and his family will be in America, Allan will take on the full responsibility of the Roma ministry. There will be IWC teams and another team from Romania coming to work here during that time. It will be Allan’s responsibility to find lodging, transportation, and all the logistics of the teams, until Jerry returns. Jerry has a lot of responsibilities and we (from our past work history!) know about the un-seen, behind the scenes responsibilities that a strategy coordinator has to do, in addition to the Bible studies, travel, meetings, etc.
I am in the process of doing a newsletter for the Krakow Team, Baltic Field, and one for the churches in America that Mark has asked me to do. If you like, I will send the Krakow letter to you each month. This would give you more information about the families here in this city. Each month, I plan to do a “Spotlight on…………..” using one family unit per month to share information about the family, their ministry, a bit about their history, etc.
A funny thing about the Weaver’s: remember when we were in East Asia and we occasionally shared a bit of humor about the funny (ridiculous!!) things that happen when you don’t know the language or other little incidents? Well, here goes!
Allan and I have been shopping at the little store nearby. As we were looking for detergent for the laundry, we saw an advertisement (all if Polish, of course!!). It was a promotion. We know that from the word “promicija!”
We happily made our purchase for the ‘detergent’ and washed our clothing for two months. Our clothes didn’t seem to be very clean, however. When you get older you often don’t connect the dots (my phrase for you just don’t get it!!) W ever rationalized the lack of suds by saying, “well, maybe it’s the environmental protection kind of detergent” (well that made no sense with black air in our lungs!!!)
Finally I went online (the dictionary has no word translation for brand names) to see if I could figure out what this stuff is.
I started laughing aloud. Allan said ok, “what’s so funny?”
I said, “well we have been washing our clothes for two months in fabric softener!”
We had noticed one good thing about the ‘detergent’ was the clothes were very soft! Isn’t that scary!!!!
Lord, help us as we age! I have to tell you we did have help in choosing this ‘detergent’! A friend’s daughter told us this is what her mom uses!!
Well, dear friends and family, I will close for today. I pray that the Lord will richly bless you and yours. If there is anyway we can pray for you, please let us know. We faithfully remember you each day, but if you have a specific request, please let us know. It’s an honor to pray for you!
“What does the LORD your GOD require of you, but to revere the LORD your GOD, to walk in all HIS ways, to love Him, and serve the LORD your GOD with all your heart and with all your being.” De.10: 12.
“For by your words, you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words, you will be condemned and sentenced.” Matt.12: 37.
Choose your words carefully and wisely and wait for the LORD’S Blessings!
The Fishermensline in Krakow, Poland
Feb.24, 2008

Two building in the Village: Old and New
I hope this newsletter from Krakow finds you all well and prospering in the grace of our Lord.
As February nears its closing days, we are enjoying some sunny days, however the March winds are early and often cold and severe in intensity. Even so, we have had much warmer weather here in Krakow than in Michigan, where our beloved daughter, son in law, and grandsons are living.
Michael is enjoying the sixty –plus degree temperatures after more than a month of forties and below! I think he was not prepared for those forties and below, by the comment “I wish I had known, I’d have brought heavier sweatshirts!”
God has been working here through the new Krakow International Fellowship worship services! Not only are we blessed with worship in our own language, there have been some Poles come to faith in Christ, and I am praying for (and ask you to join me) a lady that I have become friends with. She is Polish and is Catholic. She is a wonderful, kind, and friendly lady. She and her daughter have been visiting almost since the new services began. She and her daughter both made a comment that they feel like crying during our services. Last Sunday, before the service, as we were talking, she said to me, “I am truly questioning my faith in the Catholic church, when I go there, I feel nothing, yet when I come here, I feel such joy and want to be so close to God!”
Please pray for her and for me, that God will help me to share the personal walk that Christ calls us to, and that no one comes to God, except through Him, and that there is no more sacrifice for sin; that He paid that price as the perfect and final sacrifice for the sin of the world and how He is the only mediator between man and God. I am here to share His love with any who will listen and with whom He is calling to a saving faith and walk with Him. Please pray for this lady and her family!
Allan has been very busy with Jerry and the Roma ministry. They are constantly having meetings, Bible studies, and outreach days, where they go to a new village and seek out the places where Roma live.
In the past couple of weeks, they have gone twice to a village where there are many Roma, and none of them know about Jesus. Please pray for this village of Charnov.
Allan wants me to go there with him on a day that we can just go prayer walking around the village. He talked (through a translator), with a man who had survived WWII and he told Allan and Jerry that the village used to be the home of over 15,000 Jews. This was half of the village population at that time, now there are none. How sad when entire villages are wiped out because Satan was given a foothold in people’s hearts and minds!!
The coffee house ministry is still making efforts to reach out to the young people of the city (young or not so young!!). There have been several who have come for the music and snacks, conversation and games, etc., but so far none seem to be very interested in the gospel, but thank God, He tells us His Word will not return void. Therefore, we have faith that the seeds planted will bring forth fruit in due season.
We must continue in the planting to have a harvest, so pray that we will faithfully continue to plant, even as it seems sometimes that it is not fruitful at the time, after all; how many of us can plant a seed and the same day see the fruit?
We are waiting on the Lord for many things. I, for one, must learn what I know to be true. Walk by faith and not by sight!
I am praying for so many people and so many things, and events, that I truly know the meaning of my signature verse; pray without ceasing! I Th. 5:17
Lora and Jim are in the midst of many concerns and changes in their life and the life of the children. As many of you may already know, Jim will be deployed this fall for, possibly Kuwait. Please pray for them as they make plans for this. The heartbreak of their dad leaving is one that I ask my Lord, daily, to help them through, as with Lora, seeing her husband leave again, and her left alone to care for the three boys. They are the age, where support and encouragement from their dad is crucial. Please pray for Jim, also, as he has to leave them all behind. Our God is able to do the most amazing things, and nothing is too big for Him to accomplish!!
Please also pray for Michael. He is seeking God’s will in finding someone to travel with him, someone who is a believer and who speaks both languages, and someone he can trust. I know that God will meet all his needs.
Pray for Allan as Jerry and his family go to the states for two months for a turn-around time. Pray for the Goss family as they go through the process of going state--side, physicals, travel, and all the many stresses that come with the paper work and plans to return to Krakow.
During the two months that Jerry and his family will be in America, Allan will take on the full responsibility of the Roma ministry. There will be IWC teams and another team from Romania coming to work here during that time. It will be Allan’s responsibility to find lodging, transportation, and all the logistics of the teams, until Jerry returns. Jerry has a lot of responsibilities and we (from our past work history!) know about the un-seen, behind the scenes responsibilities that a strategy coordinator has to do, in addition to the Bible studies, travel, meetings, etc.
I am in the process of doing a newsletter for the Krakow Team, Baltic Field, and one for the churches in America that Mark has asked me to do. If you like, I will send the Krakow letter to you each month. This would give you more information about the families here in this city. Each month, I plan to do a “Spotlight on…………..” using one family unit per month to share information about the family, their ministry, a bit about their history, etc.
A funny thing about the Weaver’s: remember when we were in East Asia and we occasionally shared a bit of humor about the funny (ridiculous!!) things that happen when you don’t know the language or other little incidents? Well, here goes!
Allan and I have been shopping at the little store nearby. As we were looking for detergent for the laundry, we saw an advertisement (all if Polish, of course!!). It was a promotion. We know that from the word “promicija!”
We happily made our purchase for the ‘detergent’ and washed our clothing for two months. Our clothes didn’t seem to be very clean, however. When you get older you often don’t connect the dots (my phrase for you just don’t get it!!) W ever rationalized the lack of suds by saying, “well, maybe it’s the environmental protection kind of detergent” (well that made no sense with black air in our lungs!!!)
Finally I went online (the dictionary has no word translation for brand names) to see if I could figure out what this stuff is.
I started laughing aloud. Allan said ok, “what’s so funny?”
I said, “well we have been washing our clothes for two months in fabric softener!”
We had noticed one good thing about the ‘detergent’ was the clothes were very soft! Isn’t that scary!!!!
Lord, help us as we age! I have to tell you we did have help in choosing this ‘detergent’! A friend’s daughter told us this is what her mom uses!!
Well, dear friends and family, I will close for today. I pray that the Lord will richly bless you and yours. If there is anyway we can pray for you, please let us know. We faithfully remember you each day, but if you have a specific request, please let us know. It’s an honor to pray for you!
“What does the LORD your GOD require of you, but to revere the LORD your GOD, to walk in all HIS ways, to love Him, and serve the LORD your GOD with all your heart and with all your being.” De.10: 12.
“For by your words, you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words, you will be condemned and sentenced.” Matt.12: 37.
Choose your words carefully and wisely and wait for the LORD’S Blessings!
The Fishermensline in Krakow, Poland
Feb.24, 2008
1 comment:
Just checked your site and found your March 1 update! Thanks for taking the time to keep us informed. It is a special reminder of the prayers needs surrounding you in Krakow. We would be interested in receiving the Krakow newsletter so please add us to the list, if possible. Thanks for your updates - praying for you and the entire team in Krakow! Shelby and Bob
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