in EA
Julia (Dagmara's Daughter)
Julia, Dagny, and Sue @ Dagmara's Baptism
April 5,2009
Krakow, Poland
Today is January 19, 2009, and as I sit here thinking about all the things that have taken place since I last did my Blog, I am wondering where to begin!
The year in review would be good, but first I would need to give you a bit of the story of our visit to East Asia, to see Michael.
On December 18, we took the express train to Warsaw to catch our flight to Asia. The train was about three hours . We quickly caught a taxi to the airport. The sky was cloudy and it was very cold...but we were so excited
to arrive in Asia and sunshine!!!
As we arrived in Michael's city, we went through the gate, straining our necks; camera in hand, to see Michael as soon as possible. Allan, of course, being a foot taller than I, saw him first. We got the camera ready and got the cutest picture of his handsome smiling face...the biggest and cutest smile I had seen for months!
Michael totally impressed us with his conversation in the national language with the taxi driver! This he did hundreds of times while we were there! We are very proud of his new language abilities!!!
We stayed awake until after two a.m. to talk and I could not stop staring at had been over a year since I had seen him, and this was my first time away from him for that long!! Ever!!
Michael took us to many wonderful places to do sightseeing, eating, shopping, visiting with his friends, and other co-workers.
Our time there went by so quickly! It seemed just moments until time to leave! We thank God for this time with our son!
We, of course, took hundreds of pictures and videos. He took us to the southern-most part of the island. We stayed two nights in the south, and enjoyed every moment of our time together!
Our return to Poland was on January second. Our New Year's Eve with Michael was absolutely wonderful...a night of waiting for the New Year with many of his friends......our special time of fellowship, singing and in adoration of our Father, was overwhelmingly precious!
I wish I could say more about that, but some things must be left for personal visit time with you.
January, here in Poland, was also a very busy time of loving labor, joys, and disappointments. As we plan for summer teams, things seem to speed along, yet seem to go very slowly in other ways.
In February we went to Budapest for a 'quick medical follow up' which should have only been about one week. It turned into three weeks again. I was informed that I will need a cardiac catheterization due to family genes, and some other circumstances. It was scheduled for me at that time, but due to other considerations (again a time for personal discussion!), I decided to wait until we go home to America in May.
Please pray for me about the cath...not that I am concerned about the lifestyle is totally opposite of my family members who have had seriously negative results ( we have an extremely strong heart history in my family)....I just want to get it over! Our time in Budapest was simply wonderful, again. Even with all the medical aspects, time there in worship and fellowship with others who are there for medical reasons, (among other reasons), those who live and work there, and meeting new people, spare time going about the city (while waiting for tests/results, etc.), is a nice time altogether.
Mihelena, the Roma lady with the serious heart condition we have been praying for, finally got her by-pass surgery and is doing very well! She looked more energetic, and did have more energy. She was not looking as tired as before...PTL for that!
Allan's Bible study with the Roma is going well. He has a wonderful Polish translator (Tom), who is also a catholic (who does not attend mass), and is very eager to hear the gospel as he translates and has many questions! God is certainly using this Bible study time with the Roma to bring about other good things. Tom is also learning more about a people group that is much persecuted and hated by the most of society in Europe. He is enjoying this lesson in the Roma culture and seeing the believers heart! PTL for this also!
March has been very exciting so far. We have attended so many wonderful services! Saturday night (April 4) we attended a Shabbat Passover Seder at the Franciscan here we have Polish Catholics, Messianic Jewish Believers, American Baptists, Polish Baptists, British Believers, and many others of different denominations....all having a fantastic time learning about the Passover and how the Old Testament Passover depicts the New Testament Passover and how it ALL points to Jesus the Messiah.
There was singing, dancing, instrumentals, teaching of the Seder Meal, and what each food represents, and all around joyful fun, worship, and fellowship. The guest speaker was a Messianic Rabi from America and Israel.
Sunday April 5th, my very close Polish friend, (whom I have mentioned to you several times) was Baptised!!! We had three Poles from our International Fellowship, who confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior, and obeyed His command to be baptised! PTL for this also!! HE is MIGHTY!
This coming Easter Sunday, we will have a Polish Traditional Gathering with Dagmara, Julia (her Daughter) and Anna (her mother). We're looking forward to this time of traditional fellowship with her family. Easter Monday, we are invited to Dagmara's new little home in a village nearby, called Mys'linice. (she sold her beautiful little country home; it was too much up keep for her). She's very excited about this new flat and its view of the mountains. She wants us to go there and have a picnic in the beautiful weather...our first of the spring!!
Also coming up in April: We are scheduled for the Auschwitz/Berkinau "March for the Living" on the 21st. The 20th will be a day of prayer for this annual-world event. People come from Israel, Poland, America, England, Germany, Italy, Austria...all over the world for this event. It's so great an even that all who attend must first get security clearance! Please pray for the event and for opportunities to share the LOVE of JESUS CHRIST!!!
So many of the Jewish people were told by the Nazis that Jesus hated them for killing Him! Please pray that this LIE can be revealed in their hearts, and that The WAY, The TRUTH, and The LIFE will be shown to them! Please pray for the PRINCE of PEACE to be made known to them...and only then will there be any real peace.
May upcoming: May 18th- HOME for three weeks!
Cardiac Cath; pray for a wonderful cardiologist and a successful outcome!
(In Michigan, I know none of the cardiologists...I know them in Florida, but that may not be an option!
June Upcoming: leave Michigan around the 8th (depending on medical, of course). June 21st, AGM for one week.
We have teams coming in July and August...please pray for them as God lays them on your heart. Please pray for the IWC team coming to work with the Roma again this summer.
Pray about the FBI (First Baptist Indialantic) team in August; that God will direct and we can get the details all worked out on both the Poland/USA ends.
Pray for our son, Michael in EA...language, relationships, sharing, energy, perseverance, rest, quiet time with HIM, discernment, health, traveling, co-laborers, and all that HE may place in your heart to pray about!
Pray for: Lora, Jim, Ryan, Ian, and Zane. Jim leaving for Afghanistan in June, for Lora and the boys left back home, school, growth in Him, the boys helping their mom while dad's away, health, homework, rest, enjoying good times together, summer church camp at Lake Ann, alone time with God! Please pray for Jim to grow in Christ and while he is away, that he can share Christ with his fellow servicemen/women, and be a witness and light for them to see Jesus in him. Please pray for his safety and health! Please pray for his safe and speedy return home to his family!!
Pray for us: that we will have many opportunities to share Gods Love and Faithfulness; Growth in our daily walk with Him, our Bible study with the Roma, our Roma team, the team here in Krakow (growing wondrously), pray for our trip home! Please pray for a young lady we met at the American Embassy. I invited her to the International Fellowship and Compass Coffee House (another of Krakow Team's ministries). She says that she will come, and she seems to be in need of support and fellowship of believers. Her name is Michelle. Also, Allan and I have both been sick for over a week...most people are saying this colf/flu/bug/whatever it is, lasts about a month! Pray that it will be over soon and we can get back to 'normal'! Ha-Ha: whatever 'normal' is!
Please let us know how we can pray for you! Remember to me, praying is my walk, my life, my love, my honor, my joy...if you don't' let me know how I can best pray for you-well, would you deny me my joy?? Please, let me know, so that I can pray for you specifically!
OK, I think this is quite long now....I will say bye for today. May the God of all peace and understanding, the Father of us all in Him, be with you, encourage you, bless you, and give abundantly to you, so that HIS name may be glorified in all the earth! I love you just as Jesus loves you and me!
The Fishermensline,
Sue and Allan
Krakow, Poland
Jesus said, "Follow me, and I will make you Fishers of Men"
P.S. I am so sorry, but this blog, began on January 19, was completed on April 7, 2009!
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