To repent means to TURN AWAY from the acts being committed. God has set Biblical Commands that require us to FOLLOW. IF we truly want to be saved-we have no choice but to Follow Jesus' example and BE the LORD of our lives....not just in word but in deed.
Many people today honestly believe that saying a so-called "sinner's prayer" or a "miracle prayer" that they are saved. NOT TRUE! ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!
To be saved you must believe, confess, repent, and turn away from your sins....that does NOT mean we can still walk in willful sin and be saved. It simply does not mean that.
God said, "If you love Me, you WILL keep my commands" and those who do not keep His commands and say they love Him is a liar and the TRUTH is NOT in him/her.
Examine yourself. Are you in the faith or not? Do you keep His commands and is Jesus the LORD of your life?
Please, I URGE you to examine your faith to see if you are walking IN the Holy Spirit. It seems to me that time is running out on God's universal time clock....I want to BE in the faith with Jesus Christ as my one and only LORD! The Bible clearly lists those who WILL NOT enter His Kingdom!
Here are a few of those who will never enter in......"sinner's prayer" or not!!!
You are sanctified IF you REPENT-TURN from the evil that you did BEFORE you matter what it was. You are justified IF you REPENT-TURN from that sin/evil that was done before repentance!
God is willing to forgive all sin. but you must stop sinning or you are NOT saved. We will all, as humans, continue to commit sin, but we will not live in CONTINUAL, WILLFUL, ABOMINABLE sin. This does not mean that you will never commit a sin-it just means that you won't want to sin, or to live in a state of sinfulness.
Please don't believe the LIE that you are saved by some sinner's prayer or miracle prayer-UNLESS you have TRULY REPENTED....IF you HAVE TRULY can NOT and will NOT live in sin. You will hate every sin that grieves the Holy Spirit of God (Ephesians 4:30-do NOT grieve the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed to the day of redemption) Sealed? Yes. IF you are a TRUE Repentant believer with JESUS as LORD of your life!
Matthew 4:19
Jesus said, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Friday, February 14, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Sue C. Weaver: Author Interview
Rhoda's Lost Journal
Escape To Shallum's Cave
An Innocent Kiss For Caitlin
Building Excellent Character; Ste-By-Step
Each fictional book takes you into the heart of the characters. You will find intrigue, mystery, romance, murder, kidnapping, war, captivity, and victory.
You will also meet the Main Character behind each book-Jesus Christ. He is woven into every story because He is the reason these books have been written....that you may have a burning desire, through these books, to search God's Word and come to know His GREAT love for you, personally!
The first three are Christian fiction, the last book is Non-Fiction to help understand the value and importance-necessity of building good character based on Jesus as your indestructible foundation....for a lifetime of strength through faith in Him.
Thank you for reading, enjoying, and sharing these books! I pray that you will seek God's Word.....Jesus-the Word made flesh and lives in us by way of God's Holy Spirit.
Please read and do an Amazon review afterward. Thank you so much!
Yours in Christ,
Sue C. Weaver
Rhoda's Lost Journal
Escape To Shallum's Cave
An Innocent Kiss For Caitlin
Building Excellent Character; Ste-By-Step
Each fictional book takes you into the heart of the characters. You will find intrigue, mystery, romance, murder, kidnapping, war, captivity, and victory.
You will also meet the Main Character behind each book-Jesus Christ. He is woven into every story because He is the reason these books have been written....that you may have a burning desire, through these books, to search God's Word and come to know His GREAT love for you, personally!
The first three are Christian fiction, the last book is Non-Fiction to help understand the value and importance-necessity of building good character based on Jesus as your indestructible foundation....for a lifetime of strength through faith in Him.
Thank you for reading, enjoying, and sharing these books! I pray that you will seek God's Word.....Jesus-the Word made flesh and lives in us by way of God's Holy Spirit.
Please read and do an Amazon review afterward. Thank you so much!
Yours in Christ,
Sue C. Weaver
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Thursday, January 09, 2014
Rhoda's Lost Journal and Interview with Author Sue C. Weaver
Sue C. Weaver
Rhoda’s Lost Journal by Sue C. Weaver
Sara Holt dreamed of walking through the ancient ruins of Rome. As she made plans to visit each site on her long itinerary with a tour group, she becomes enchanted by Ari Hershey, a business man from Jerusalem, who invites himself along.
During one of her site tours, Sara stumbles upon an ancient leather bound journal. Tucking the book quickly into her bag, thinking only to look at it and return it to the authorities later, she has no idea she’s being watched.
Later that evening she receives a strange phone call from her stalker. He knows who she is, where she is and what she has done. Sara has no choice but to trust Ari with this threatening call. Could he have been the caller? If not Ari, then who could it be? She knew no one in Rome.
Ari rushed to Sara’s room and she told him all about the journal. Ari is able to begin the translation of the book. He and Sara become engrossed in the compelling drama of Rhoda, the servant girl from the Book of The Acts of the Apostles, during the time of Peter and Paul.
Targeted Age Group:: 15-65+
How is Writing In Your Genre Different from Others?
I prefer writing Christian Fiction…..maybe it’s not so different in genre, but I believe we all have stories to tell. We are created in the image of God and He has the greatest imagination of all…..I believe that my imagination reflects the infinite creativity of my creator…..although I don’t write everything I can imagine, or I’m sure I would be considered quite insane!
I prefer writing Christian Fiction…..maybe it’s not so different in genre, but I believe we all have stories to tell. We are created in the image of God and He has the greatest imagination of all…..I believe that my imagination reflects the infinite creativity of my creator…..although I don’t write everything I can imagine, or I’m sure I would be considered quite insane!
What Advice Would You Give Aspiring Writers?
Just never give up. I am not a well-known author and possibly may never be, but I write for enjoyment and hope my books can bring hours of pleasure and enjoyment to others. I have read a ‘gazillion’ books in my lifetime and have enjoyed reading as much as writing. I would suggest that anyone who wants to write should try to start young and keep on with it….my motto; “Just Do it!”
Just never give up. I am not a well-known author and possibly may never be, but I write for enjoyment and hope my books can bring hours of pleasure and enjoyment to others. I have read a ‘gazillion’ books in my lifetime and have enjoyed reading as much as writing. I would suggest that anyone who wants to write should try to start young and keep on with it….my motto; “Just Do it!”
Author Bio:
I am a longtime writer who has only published short stories and for a small newspaper, poetry, and many stories that sit in the deep recesses of my junk boxes. Until recently publishing e-books, I have not published hard copies as of yet. I am a registered Nurse, Foreign Missionary, world traveler (20 countries and more cities within those countries than I can count). I have a daughter, son, and three grandsons. My husband, Allan, and I live in Michigan since returning from Poland in 2009.
I am a longtime writer who has only published short stories and for a small newspaper, poetry, and many stories that sit in the deep recesses of my junk boxes. Until recently publishing e-books, I have not published hard copies as of yet. I am a registered Nurse, Foreign Missionary, world traveler (20 countries and more cities within those countries than I can count). I have a daughter, son, and three grandsons. My husband, Allan, and I live in Michigan since returning from Poland in 2009.
Writing is my favorite past-time…..along with jogging and doing research on any subject that strikes my fancy, but mostly medical and writing.
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I have always loved writing and research. I am a Registered Nurse and Foreign Missionary. Since I was a very young girl, I have imagined every event to be a book! I am continually writing book titles and stories, poetry, and articles, in my mind…..these scenarios just won’t leave me alone!!!
I have always loved writing and research. I am a Registered Nurse and Foreign Missionary. Since I was a very young girl, I have imagined every event to be a book! I am continually writing book titles and stories, poetry, and articles, in my mind…..these scenarios just won’t leave me alone!!!
Interview with Author – Sue C. Weaver

Author Bio:
I have loved to write ever since I could walk and talk. I had three specific dreams as a child; To be a Nurse, A Missionary, and A Writer. (In addition to wife and mother). By the grace of God and perseverance, all these dreams have come true. I love to travel and have been blessed to travel the globe extensively through missions work.
My writing consists primarily of Christian Fiction, Poetry, Non-Fiction, and for a period of perhaps five years as a contributor for a newspaper in Sheridan, Wyoming, called The Country Journal.
What inspires you to write?
I am so in love with the Bible, Nursing, Missions, and Family, that I find that, to me, everything is a potential story. God created us in His image and I believe that creativity is deeply ingrained in us. He is the Master creator and with an infinite imagination….I believe we inherited that imagination from Him!
My daughter has labeled me “An Information Junkie” and I truly love that identification with my love for researching anything and everything!
I am so in love with the Bible, Nursing, Missions, and Family, that I find that, to me, everything is a potential story. God created us in His image and I believe that creativity is deeply ingrained in us. He is the Master creator and with an infinite imagination….I believe we inherited that imagination from Him!
My daughter has labeled me “An Information Junkie” and I truly love that identification with my love for researching anything and everything!
Tell us about your writing process.
Usually I just begin imagining a story as I go about my daily activities. The story begins to take form and I sit down at the computer and start writing. I normally save my research sites, and as I think of my story-line, I stop to take notes and do more research. I try to ‘tuck it away’ in my memory if I’m not at home or otherwise busy. I often find myself waking in the wee hours of the morning with ideas. (I once wrote an entire poem and got out of bed to write it all down…several stanzas!).
I try to research details carefully and check them with Biblical facts and work them into the story for a blend of fact and fiction. I do my best thinking very early….about four or five in the morning and work until about eight in the morning. I sometimes do an outline, but primarily, I am what most refer to as ‘seat of my pants’ because it all just comes to me as I type. The last time I tried a character sketch…it was forgotten in the zeal of typing!
Usually I just begin imagining a story as I go about my daily activities. The story begins to take form and I sit down at the computer and start writing. I normally save my research sites, and as I think of my story-line, I stop to take notes and do more research. I try to ‘tuck it away’ in my memory if I’m not at home or otherwise busy. I often find myself waking in the wee hours of the morning with ideas. (I once wrote an entire poem and got out of bed to write it all down…several stanzas!).
I try to research details carefully and check them with Biblical facts and work them into the story for a blend of fact and fiction. I do my best thinking very early….about four or five in the morning and work until about eight in the morning. I sometimes do an outline, but primarily, I am what most refer to as ‘seat of my pants’ because it all just comes to me as I type. The last time I tried a character sketch…it was forgotten in the zeal of typing!
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I seem to be ‘one’ with my characters. I love the characters of ” Rhoda’s Lost Journal” and three other books I have recently written. I found myself thinking about Huldah (From another book I’ve written) during church. When I heard the names of King Josiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, etc., Huldah, my protagonist, would instantly come to mind.
Hopefully, I am instilling personalities that are unique to each of my characters.
I seem to be ‘one’ with my characters. I love the characters of ” Rhoda’s Lost Journal” and three other books I have recently written. I found myself thinking about Huldah (From another book I’ve written) during church. When I heard the names of King Josiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, etc., Huldah, my protagonist, would instantly come to mind.
Hopefully, I am instilling personalities that are unique to each of my characters.
What advice would you give other writers?
I would suggest that you continue to develop your characters, story-lines, and research in the way that you feel works best for you. Too often we try to emulate someone else. In my opinion we end of with what I call ‘dime novels’ that were so popular years ago.
Be yourself and allow your characters to be themselves. Don’t try to fit into anyone’s mold of what they say an author should be or do.
I would suggest that you continue to develop your characters, story-lines, and research in the way that you feel works best for you. Too often we try to emulate someone else. In my opinion we end of with what I call ‘dime novels’ that were so popular years ago.
Be yourself and allow your characters to be themselves. Don’t try to fit into anyone’s mold of what they say an author should be or do.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I have wanted to write and publish for years, but I decided that, at my age (I won’t tell you that just now), I found that writing and publishing e-books works for me. The most difficult thing is promoting the books. There can be no book signings, etc. However, I am not publishing nor writing for a living, as many do. I write because I love it and hope that whomever reads my books will love them too. It’s a lot of long hours, yet this is what I choose to do with my time.
I have wanted to write and publish for years, but I decided that, at my age (I won’t tell you that just now), I found that writing and publishing e-books works for me. The most difficult thing is promoting the books. There can be no book signings, etc. However, I am not publishing nor writing for a living, as many do. I write because I love it and hope that whomever reads my books will love them too. It’s a lot of long hours, yet this is what I choose to do with my time.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I honestly had a very difficult time even thinking about letting go of my hand held hard copies! However, when I published my first e-book, I got a Kindle right away and it was actually fun! Technology today is so advanced and so much less expensive to produce books, that I can see the future of publishing going so completely in that direction, and just think of the trees we will save!
On the other hand, for this very reason, books will literally flood the market to the point that it’ll be extremely difficult to sell books. Progress always has two sides of its story!
I honestly had a very difficult time even thinking about letting go of my hand held hard copies! However, when I published my first e-book, I got a Kindle right away and it was actually fun! Technology today is so advanced and so much less expensive to produce books, that I can see the future of publishing going so completely in that direction, and just think of the trees we will save!
On the other hand, for this very reason, books will literally flood the market to the point that it’ll be extremely difficult to sell books. Progress always has two sides of its story!
What genres do you write?
Christian Fiction, Christian Non-Fiction, Poetry
Christian Fiction, Christian Non-Fiction, Poetry
What formats are your books in?
Author Home Page Link
Author Home Page Link
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Rhoda’s Lost Journal by Sue C. Weaver
Sara Holt dreamed of walking through the ancient ruins of Rome. As she made plans to visit each site on her long itinerary with a tour group, she becomes enchanted by Ari Hershey, a business man from Jerusalem, who invites himself along.
During one of her site tours, Sara stumbles upon an ancient leather bound journal. Tucking the book quickly into her bag, thinking only to look at it and return it to the authorities later, she has no idea she’s being watched.
Later that evening she receives a strange phone call from her stalker. He knows who she is, where she is and what she has done. Sara has no choice but to trust Ari with this threatening call. Could he have been the caller? If not Ari, then who could it be? She knew no one in Rome.
Ari rushed to Sara’s room and she told him all about the journal. Ari is able to begin the translation of the book. He and Sara become engrossed in the compelling drama of Rhoda, the servant girl from the Book of The Acts of the Apostles, during the time of Peter and Paul.
Targeted Age Group:: 15-65+
How is Writing In Your Genre Different from Others?
I prefer writing Christian Fiction…..maybe it’s not so different in genre, but I believe we all have stories to tell. We are created in the image of God and He has the greatest imagination of all…..I believe that my imagination reflects the infinite creativity of my creator…..although I don’t write everything I can imagine, or I’m sure I would be considered quite insane!
I prefer writing Christian Fiction…..maybe it’s not so different in genre, but I believe we all have stories to tell. We are created in the image of God and He has the greatest imagination of all…..I believe that my imagination reflects the infinite creativity of my creator…..although I don’t write everything I can imagine, or I’m sure I would be considered quite insane!
What Advice Would You Give Aspiring Writers?
Just never give up. I am not a well-known author and possibly may never be, but I write for enjoyment and hope my books can bring hours of pleasure and enjoyment to others. I have read a ‘gazillion’ books in my lifetime and have enjoyed reading as much as writing. I would suggest that anyone who wants to write should try to start young and keep on with it….my motto; “Just Do it!”
Just never give up. I am not a well-known author and possibly may never be, but I write for enjoyment and hope my books can bring hours of pleasure and enjoyment to others. I have read a ‘gazillion’ books in my lifetime and have enjoyed reading as much as writing. I would suggest that anyone who wants to write should try to start young and keep on with it….my motto; “Just Do it!”
Author Bio:
I am a longtime writer who has only published short stories and for a small newspaper, poetry, and many stories that sit in the deep recesses of my junk boxes. Until recently publishing e-books, I have not published hard copies as of yet. I am a registered Nurse, Foreign Missionary, world traveler (20 countries and more cities within those countries than I can count). I have a daughter, son, and three grandsons. My husband, Allan, and I live in Michigan since returning from Poland in 2009.
I am a longtime writer who has only published short stories and for a small newspaper, poetry, and many stories that sit in the deep recesses of my junk boxes. Until recently publishing e-books, I have not published hard copies as of yet. I am a registered Nurse, Foreign Missionary, world traveler (20 countries and more cities within those countries than I can count). I have a daughter, son, and three grandsons. My husband, Allan, and I live in Michigan since returning from Poland in 2009.
Writing is my favorite past-time…..along with jogging and doing research on any subject that strikes my fancy, but mostly medical and writing.
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I have always loved writing and research. I am a Registered Nurse and Foreign Missionary. Since I was a very young girl, I have imagined every event to be a book! I am continually writing book titles and stories, poetry, and articles, in my mind…..these scenarios just won’t leave me alone!!!
I have always loved writing and research. I am a Registered Nurse and Foreign Missionary. Since I was a very young girl, I have imagined every event to be a book! I am continually writing book titles and stories, poetry, and articles, in my mind…..these scenarios just won’t leave me alone!!!
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