Rhoda's Lost Journal
Escape To Shallum's Cave
An Innocent Kiss For Caitlin
Building Excellent Character; Ste-By-Step
Each fictional book takes you into the heart of the characters. You will find intrigue, mystery, romance, murder, kidnapping, war, captivity, and victory.
You will also meet the Main Character behind each book-Jesus Christ. He is woven into every story because He is the reason these books have been written....that you may have a burning desire, through these books, to search God's Word and come to know His GREAT love for you, personally!
The first three are Christian fiction, the last book is Non-Fiction to help understand the value and importance-necessity of building good character based on Jesus as your indestructible foundation....for a lifetime of strength through faith in Him.
Thank you for reading, enjoying, and sharing these books! I pray that you will seek God's Word.....Jesus-the Word made flesh and lives in us by way of God's Holy Spirit.
Please read and do an Amazon review afterward. Thank you so much!
Yours in Christ,
Sue C. Weaver
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
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